About Us

Riyadh Development Company (ARDCO), a joint-stock company, was established in 1994 by a vision from King Salman bin Abdulaziz, during his time in office as the Governor of Riyadh, with its first mandate being the development of the Qasr Al-Hukm area in central Riyadh. Since then, ARDCO has become a cornerstone of Riyadh’s real estate development and investment sector, through establishing, operating, and managing key projects in the public good services sector.

Our Strategy

Powered by our vision, our corporate strategy aims to contribute to the company’s continuous growth through partners, digitization, and sustainability in its wider sense. In order to help guarantee sustainable growth in our business, we seek to cultivate meaningful, strategic partnerships with key players in the market, as well as enhance our operational efficiency throughout our business sectors by capitalizing on strategic opportunities in the digital sphere.

By utilizing these three key enablers, we seek to consolidate and expand upon our leading role in the fresh produce sector. Additionally, we will further develop and seek new innovations in key sectors such real estate development and real estate operation & management, as well as diversifying our investments in step with the incredible economic boom taking place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the city of Riyadh in order to benefit our investors and shareholders.


Riyadh Development Company aims to maximize shareholder returns through capital gains by achieving key financial objectives to ensure long-term financial sustainability. We are committed towards our shareholders while keeping an eye on investment in growth.

Media Center

To view the company’s latest announcements, news, and other media releases, please click below.



Media Center

February 14, 2023 - The media bag for the Riyadh reconstruction strategy


التقارير السنوية

Annual Report 2024
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2018

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أرض الرمال

استعمال العقار

أرض خام

أبرز المعالم المحيطة
  • مطار الملك خالد الدولي
  • البوابة الاقتصادية
  • مبنى سابك


787,477 م2

سعر المتر

973 ريال / م2

قيمة الأصل

766 مليون ريال

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أرض المروج

استعمال العقار

تجاري سكني

أبرز المعالم المحيطة
  • مركز الملك عبدالله المالي
  • المدينة الرقمية
  • طريق الملك فهد


214,000 م2

سعر المتر

2,995 ريال / م2

قيمة الاصل

637 مليون ريال

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